Pro-Tip: Add FLAVOR! 🌶️

Kathrine Fisher Hardcastle, Meg Fifield, and Tashi Bradford are all admin team members and Randy Rampey is a member of the Ketogenic Dieters Facebook Group.

There’s no need to be a martyr to your food and to not have flavor. Easy ways of boosting the flavor of any meal without radically changing the macros is by adding either mustard or hot sauce.

Both have minimal carbs and basically non-existent fat & protein so that makes them ideal for those on the ketogenic diet.

Tashi and Kathrine are pros regarding all things mustard-related! They can tell you the ones they like.

You’ll often see Meg and Randy spicing it up on the food pics they post. They’re hot sauce gurus.

As with anything, read labels!

I know Rachael Harding and Billie Helbert Richter are partial to Valentina’s hot sauce.

I personally like Cholula or Franks. I’m also a fan of salsa verde, which will have a few carbs. ~Brenda Richards

Gigi Walentiny likes Texas Pete’s.

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